Dangerously Fit Steel Clubbells Are Cast From A Solid Piece Of Steel With A Perfectly Weighted Barrel And A Matte Powder Coated Finish To Assist Gripping & Resist Chipping.
A simple way to remember the difference between a traditional clubbell mill and reverse clubbell mill is the direction the elbow moves. With a traditional clubbell mill the elbow will form an inward circle towards the centre of the body, like you’re throwing a cross punch. The reverse clubbell mill is the complete opposite with the…
The clubbell double mill combines the traditional mill with one arm and the reverse mill with the other arm. Only perform the double mill when you are proficient in both the mill and reverse mill. Following the correct exercise progressions of; two-handed exercises, single handed exercises, then doubles is imperative when performing complicated clubbell movements.
The clubbell mill is a traditional clubbell exercise and is fantastic for building shoulder strength and mobility. The clubbell mill mimics the throwing, punching movements that are required for many sports. If your goal is to develop circular shoulder strength, look no further than the clubbell mill!
The clubbell two handed mill is a set of exercises combined together to make one movement. The easiest way to practice the mill is to break those exercises down piece by piece and then put it all together again.
The clubbell gamma cast is a great exercise for building circular strength, strong durable shoulders and an iron grip.
The clubbell shield cast looks similar to the clubbell gamma cast. But, instead of alternating between shoulders, the clubbell shield cast is performed over just one shoulder. The clubbell shield cast will challenge your grip like nothing else and is another fantastic exercise for building bullet proof shoulders.
The clubbell clock squat looks the same as the side shoulder clean but there is a difference. The clubbell side shoulder clean only works one side at a time. But, with the clock squat the clubbell does a full 180-degree swing between the right shoulder and left shoulder.
The clubbell side shoulder clean is a similar exercise to the clubbell side clean. However, this time when the clubbell reaches the top of the swing, quickly catch the clubbell on the meaty part of the shoulder whilst you simultaneously squat.
The clubbell side push press is a similar movement to the clubbell side clean. But, you’ll finish the exercise by locking out your arms at shoulder height. This is another example of a clubbell exercise where you’ll only use as much force as you really need. The push press will show you how to accelerate…
Clubbell side cleans AKA Clubbell Pendulums are a fantastic prep movement for the more complex frontal plane movements like the mill. With two-handed lateral exercises like side cleans & 180’s, if you complete the 1st set in the left guard, be sure to start your next set in the right guard.